We deliver to any station with a security of 0.5 or higher. Simply specify station when placing your order.
We offer pretty much every ship, modification, skill, implant and commodity there is in EVE Online.
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Everything we sell has been aquired with human hands on high level accounts. We never use bots, macros or other hacks.
Welcome to the EVEwiz premium shop where you can buy EVE Online ships, ISK, accounts, and a vast selection of other items such as implants, blueprints, skills and minerals. With EVE Online ships for sale since 2009, EVEwiz is a well-established store with fast and secure deliveries around the clock. You can pay with PayPal, phone, SMS, webmoney, credit card, instant online bank transfer, and Western Union.
We have thousands of affordable EVE Online items for sale; all of which are typically delivered within 2-5 hours via in-game contract to a safe station of your choice. No shipping charges applied!
If you want to buy ISK without getting caught or banned you have come to the right shop. Everything we sell here at EVEwiz stems from legitimate player controlled activities on high level accounts. We never use bots, macros or other hacks. And if we fly safe, you fly safe.
Don't miss out on our EVEwiz rewards and bonus systems. For every dollar spent you accumulate reward points which can be redeemed for EVEwiz store credit. Or how about a FREE EVE ONLINE SHIP? See our Free Items section.
Get your funds together and get busy buying EVE Online ships and any other items you need right now.
$9.95In respect of CCP copyright rights: All characters, items, pictures and ISK in Eve Online are the sole property of CCP Games, CCP hf., and/or White Wolf.
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